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City of Gillette releases new Digital Communications Platform

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — The City of Gillette recently announced that residents will have a new way to receive city information.

The platform is GovDelivery, and it allows individuals to receive any or all of the following types of notifications:

  • News & Events: News releases and information on upcoming city events and workshops
  • Emergency Notices: Information about utility outages, snow declarations, unplanned road
    closures and more
  • Bids & RFPs: Information about open city bids and requests for proposals

The release states that GovDellivery is replacing previous opt-in communications from the city, including Everbridge and eNotifications. The release notes that subscribers to those previous systems have been added to the new platform.

Community members are invited to sign up to receive direct email and/or text messages
from the city through GovDelivery at public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WYGILLETTE/subscriber/new.
