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Game and Fish’s Altermatt named Partner of the Year

From left to right, Mike Massie, WWNRT District 2 board member, Kim Floyd WWNRT District 1 board member, Jerry Altermatt Wyoming Game and Fish Department terrestrial habitat biologist, Bob Budd, WWNRT executive director, Steve Meadows WWNRT chairman and Don Schramm WWNRT District 3 board member. (via Wyoming Game and Fish Department)

CASPER, Wyo. — Jerry Altermatt, Wyoming Game and Fish Department terrestrial habitat biologist, was recently recognized as the 2024 Partner of the Year by Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust.

As a regional habitat biologist, Altermatt spearheads habitat enhancement projects that benefit wildlife in the Big Horn Basin. This entails assessing need, proposing and planning projects, seeking funding and managing on-the-ground projects.

Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust is a major funding contributor on projects approved by its board, and Game and Fish routinely partners with this organization on habitat projects. The WWNRT is guided by a nine-member board and was established by the Wyoming Legislature in 2005 to provide adequate funding to maintain and enhance Wyoming’s natural resources.

WWNRT board member Kim Floyd and Vice Chairman Pidge Fulton nominated Altermatt.

“Jerry has been working with us since the program began in 2005. He has done nearly every type of project we can do throughout the Big Horn Basin, from rangeland improvements to prescribed fire to river projects, fence modifications and most recently, beaver relocation,” Floyd said. “He is one of the outstanding partners we work with, and his work has impacted hundreds of thousands of acres of habitat in one of the richest wildlife areas in North America.”

Fulton added, “I think one of the things that makes Jerry so effective is his ability to connect with people throughout the region. He understands what they are trying to do and makes it happen. He is so humble and unassuming, but he gets so much done without fanfare and hype. He has been absolutely essential to the work in the Big Horn Basin for the past 20 years.”
