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Red flag conditions expected to stoke Fish Creek Fire on Monday

Fish Creek Fire smoke on 9/8/ 24 (Bridger Teton-National Forest, Facebook)

CASPER, Wyo. — Firefighters are optimistic about prospects for continued containment of the 22,000-acre Fish Creek Fire that closed Highway 26/287 over Togwotee Pass last week, though red flag weather conditions Monday are expected to intensify fire behavior and the plume of smoke.

The highway opened last Friday with motorists escorted by a pilot car. Section Chief Keith Kelly said in Sunday’s video update that motorists should be able to travel unassisted on Monday, but they are cautioned to take it slow as fire suppression personnel will remain active along the highway corridor.

The fire began by lightning strike on Aug. 16 in the Bridger-Teton National Forest. The fire’s eastern perimeter reached the highway over Labor Day weekend, where crews had been building defense lines. Spot fires caused by wind-blown embers that had crossed the highway were all successfully put out. The historic Brooks Lake Lodge, the Pinnacle Cabins and other structures at risk east of the highway have sprinklers, water stocks and other protective features installed which are tested daily, according to Monday’s update.

The fire is reportedly 69% contained, and some topographical features are helping to curb further growth, Kelly said. Portions of the fire’s eastern perimeter have reached the Hardscrabble Fire burn scar, an area that burned in 2007.

The visible column of smoke that is expected to continue for the next few days is coming from an active fire pocket in Cottonwood Creek, an area that “is well within our confinement features,” Kelly said. He explained that the southern and eastern portions of the fire are surrounded by meadows and other burn scars that don’t provide much fuel for further growth.

A red flag warning is in effect Monday due to low humidity, warmer temperatures and brisk winds.

Fremont County authorities are maintaining an evacuation notice for the Brooks Lake, Pinnacle Drive and Breccia Drive areas.

Fish Creek Fire map on 9/9/24 (InciWeb)
