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Wyoming House Candidate Questionnaire: Abby Angelos for House District 3

House candidate Abby Angelos. Photo via Abby Angelos campaign website.

GILLETTE, Wyo.— As the Aug. 20 primary election nears, County 17 has sent lists of questions to each primary candidate.

These questions are designed to give readers a better understanding of the people behind the names on the ballot. Except for minor grammar editing and clarifications, all candidate responses submitted to County 17 are republished as they are received.

Read responses sent by Abby Angelos, candidate for Wyoming House Representative for Wyoming House District 3, below.

What issues, if any, impacted your decision to run for this position or why were you interested in the position?

I decided to run for office after Covid as I watched the absolute trampling of our liberties. I was under the impression that we lived in a free liberty-loving state and came to realize that we could have our businesses shut down and our livelihoods threatened over a decision an unelected official made. It became even more clear that I needed to run to protect the conservative values and our Wyoming way of life for my children and future grandchildren.  

What unique life or career experience would you bring to the role?

I grew up a pastor’s kid and then found myself in different aspects of ministry over the last 20 years. Ministry and politics have many similarities, both involve solving problems. In Ministry this can vary from marriage, children, career, addiction, suicide, terminal illness and so on. Most people walking through this do not share the same views as you, however listening to them and encouraging them and working to find solutions is something that both the politics and the ministry find common ground. In ministry you never compromise your morals, beliefs, or values because these are absolute and constant. I look at serving my constituents the same way. Listen, find where we agree and work on a solution. 

Do you have previous experience in governmental office?

None before I ran in 2022. I have almost completed 2 years in the Wyoming legislature.

What are the top issues facing communities in Campbell County right now, and what would you do about them if elected?

Federal overreach. This is the constant threat in any election year. The war on ending our coal leasing and the monetary assault on our oil producers is meant to cripple, not just us here in Campbell County, but every American. There has been a barrage of mandates from this administration on our AG communities as well. From the threat of listing the sage grouse and crippling private landowners to mandating RFID ear tags on cattle. Our Wyoming way of life is threatened. Where Campbell County goes the state will follow. We must protect this county from federal overreach, by creating legislation that dictates our own energy and AG policy. You are seeing many surrounding states doing the same and you will see this come out of the next session.

What is your stance on recently-enacted BLM rules regarding coal and oil leasing in the county and broader Powder River Basin area?

I have been very outspoken about the recent rules and I’m completely against them. I believe we as a state will win in court and this is a way this administration can cause chaos and confusion before an imperative election year.  We as a state need to dictate our own energy policy. We need to be proactive, not reactive to the federal government.

Have you ever held or do you currently hold any title, affiliation or investments that would be a conflict of interest with your duties as a government official?

No I do not.
