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School board passes Camporee contract, authorizing facility use for attendees

The Campbell County School Board in discussion at a meeting on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Julianna Landis/ County 17)

GILLETTE, Wyo. — The Campbell County School Board approved a contract authorizing the several district spaces and over 40 busses for use during the upcoming Camporee event in Gillette.

A contract approved the use of the planetarium at Sage Valley Junior High School, two soccer fields at Thunder Basin High School and the Campbell County School District Aquatic Center for use by the Center for Youth Evangelism, or CYE. CYE is the Michigan-based group behind the International Pathfinder Camporee, which will be in Gillette from Aug. 5 to Aug. 11.

The contract grants use of the facilities mentioned above between Aug. 6 and Aug. 9. Specific times that each would be in use were not specified in the contract, which only noted that dates and times of use must be agreed upon by both parties.

In addition, 40 busses and two wheelchair-accessible busses will assist in collecting people from the airport and transporting them around town during the event. The school district is charging $2.85 per mile for fuel costs in addition to regular salaries for drivers. Time-and-a-half pay for overtime is also included, per the agreement.

The contract was requested to be taken out of the meeting’s consent agenda by board member Dr. Tim Hallinan, who had several questions pertaining to the use of facilities and associated costs.

Dave Bartlett, the district’s associate superintendent for instructional support, explained that the costs charged to CYE to use the facilities would recoup and cover labor costs. The contract also includes language allowing the school district to bill the group after the fact for any damaged or additional cleaning costs to busses or facilities incurred during their use.

Along with the contract with CYE, the board also approved contracts to join the Wyoming High School Activities Association, a meal vending agreement with John Paul II Catholic School and school portraits for Rawhide Elementary. Click here to access each corresponding document.

Clarification: An earlier version of this story used unclear language for fuel costs charges by the school district. The amount is $2.85 per mile.
