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BLM lifts fire restrictions in some northeastern Wyoming counties

(File Photo)

GILLETTE, Wyo. — The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has lifted fire restrictions on federal lands in Crook, Weston, and Niobrara counties.

Per the release, the bureau rescinds restrictions on BLM-administered lands in conjunction with county partners in light of recent precipitation that has reduced the fire danger in northeastern Wyoming. 

The release did not lift any fire restrictions on BLM-administered lands in Campbell County. 

“While the risk of fire is reduced, it is always important to be aware of the conditions of the area you are visiting,” the BLM said in the release. “Help prevent wildfires by ensuring your campfires are completely out, never park your vehicle in dead grass and avoid driving through tall grass.”

For residents towing a trailer, the BLM asks that safety chains are properly installed and do not drag on the ground. Additionally, the release advises year-round fire restrictions remain in place for all BLM-administered lands in Wyoming prohibiting fireworks, incendiary or tracer ammunition and burning of hazardous or explosive material, among other things.


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