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Flags to be lowered to half-staff to honor fallen Sheridan police sergeant

U.S. and State of Wyoming flags being flown at half-staff. (Gregory Hirst, Oil City File)

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Flags will be flown at half-staff on Friday, March 1 in honor of late Sheridan Police Department Sgt. Nevada Krinkee, who was recently killed in the line of duty.

Gov. Mark Gordon announced the decision on Monday, and declared that both the U.S and Wyoming flags should be lowered to half-staff statewide from sunrise to sunset.

Krinkee was killed in the line of duty on Feb. 13, shot while attempting to serve a trespass notice to a Sheridan resident. The shooting led to an hours-long standoff with law enforcement. He will be interred on March 1 in Sheridan.
