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Gillette Catholic community celebrates Día de los Muertos

St. Matthew's Catholic Church's parish hall has a colorful community display this week.

St. Matthew's Catholic Church's Hispanic community's Ofrenda del Día de Muertos. (Mariana Garcia)

GILLETTE, Wyo. — St. Matthew’s Catholic Church’s parish hall currently has a colorful community display.

St. Matthew’s Director of Hispanic Ministry Mariana Garcia said this evening that Elsy Carvallo, Rocio Ramírez and Judith Ramirez took charge of setting up the “Ofrenda del Día de los Muertos” this year at the church. They set it up Oct. 28 and will take it down Nov. 3. Garcia believes the church’s community has done the tradition in this fashion for about six years.

At 7 p.m. Nov. 2, Fr. Steve Titus, the pastor at St. Matthew’s, will say a Mass that is solely in Spanish to celebrate All Souls’ Day. The direct translation of “Día de los Muertos” is “Day of the Dead.”

According to an article on Hallow, a Catholic prayer app and website, All Souls’ Day is a day to celebrate, honor and pray for everyone to rest peacefully with God.

“All Souls’ Day guides us in remembering our deceased loved ones, as well as praying for a peaceful journey from Purgatory to Heaven,” the article said.

In the Catholic faith, purgatory is a temporary period of purification after death.

Anglican and Orthodox churches are also among those who celebrate All Souls’ Day. County 17 could not find other Gillette-specific information regarding how other religious groups celebrate the day.

St. Matthew’s Catholic Church is located at 900 Butler Spaeth Road, Gillette.


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