GILLETTE, Wyo. — A quilting extravaganza will take over the CAM-PLEX Oct. 7 and 8.
Roughly 300 quilts, contributed by many quilters, will be on display at the Frontier Hall of the facility, which is at 1635 Reata Drive, Gillette. The hours for the free 41st annual Northeast Wyoming Quilt Show are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 7 and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 8.
NE Wyoming Quilt Show committee member DeeDee Peterson said the event is a lot of fun. Attendees can buy quilts, take classes or win a raffle for a quilt. They can also help pick winners for 14 divisions of awards. In addition to age-related categories, there is a category dedicated to people who are relatively new to quilting.
Peterson, who has been quilting for 40 years, said event organizers want everyone to feel welcome to participate; even she has a few mistakes in a quilt that she’s presenting at the show. She began quilting because she likes to shop for fabric, and over the years she has accumulated a lot. She finds it soothing to quilt.
“It’s an addiction that I don’t want to be cured from,” she said.
There will be first-, second- and third-place ribbons for entrants in each of 14 divisions. Each ribbon is quilted blue, red or white house.
“They’re really super cute,” she said.
Quilters have various strategies, too. Some embroider or applique by hand, which can take a long time. Others use computer programming. Some, like Peterson, are hand-guided. The cost of a quilting machine can run up to $50,000.
“Those are the people who are quilting for other people, as a business,” she said.
Years ago, event organizers decided to set up a block at the show of quilts that share a theme. This year’s is a house. Next year, there will be a pineapple block.
Door prizes this year include a sewing machine, a comfortable chair, sewing kits and a quilt-hauling wagon. Home Fire Foods will be on site to sell lunch so people don’t have to leave to get food.
Sponsors, a raffle quilt and funds from sales at a boutique have allowed event organizers to ensure the show is free to participate in and to attend. Quilters can buy supplies from the boutique. The supplies are donated by community members.
Event organizers can still take quilt supplies donations from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 5 and 6. Quilt registrations are noon to 6 p.m. Oct. 5 and 8 to 10 a.m. Oct. 6.
In 2022, about 900 people attended the show.
“Come out and get addicted,” she said.