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1, possibly 2 mountain lions sighted near Bell Nob golf course

Authorities continue to monitor a report of one, possibly two, mountain lions captured by security footage on March 30 in the area of the Bell Nob golf course.

(Danita Delimont/Shutterstock)

GILLETTE, Wyo. – Local wildlife managers and law enforcement are monitoring reports of another, possibly two, mountain lions on the southwest edge of Gillette, according to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. 

The animals, possibly two, were captured on a resident’s security camera near Bell Nob Golf Course on March 30 and were reported to the Gillette Police Department who responded to the area accompanied by Gillette Wildlife Biologist Erica Peckham, game and fish says. 

“The photos are grainy and it is hard to distinguish clearly, but there might be two mountain lions in the photos,” Pschham said in a statement. “If there are two, this would suggest it is an adult female traveling with her sub-adult offspring.”

According to game and fish, mountain lion tracks were found, but authorities were unable to determine which direction the animal, or animals, could be traveling and will continue to monitor the situation. 

As of March 31, no further sightings have been reported, game and fish says. 

This incident marks the second report this week of a mountain lion within city limits; wildlife managers and law enforcement located, immobilized, and relocated an adult male on March 29, according to game and fish. 

Residents who see mountain lions should immediately report the sighting to the police, WGFD, or the Campbell County Sheriff’s Office, a March 31 release states. 

Game and fish advises residents to keep outside lights on at night around the perimeter of houses and buildings. Children should be watched closely when playing outdoors and should be brought inside between dusk and dawn when lions are most active. 

Roaming pets, game and fish says, can be easy prey and attract mountain lions. Pets should be kept indoors at night. 

If you encounter a lion, never approach it and give the animal an escape route while you talk to it calmly and move slowly, per game and fish. 

“Sudden movement or running may stimulate a lion’s instinct to chase and attack,” WGFD says. “Face the lion and stand upright. If you have small children with you, pick them up so they do not panic and run.”

In the event a lion behaves aggressively, throw stones, branches, or anything you can get your hands on without crouching down or turning your back, game and fish says. Wave your arms and speak firmly; the idea is to convince the lion that you are not prey and could be dangerous for them to attack. 

“Fight back if the lion attacks. Lions have been driven away by people who fight back,” game and fish says. “People have successfully fought back against a lion using rocks, sticks, fishing poles, and even bare hands. Try to remain standing and face the animal. 
