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Campbell deputy superintendent: public can weigh in on website redesign

(Campbell County School District)

GILLETTE, Wyo. — Campbell County School District is evaluating how to make its website more user-friendly.

Deputy Superintendent Kirby Eisenhauer presented a website committee update this evening to the school board at its dinner meeting. He said the district’s committee wants to improve functionality, appeal and ease of use to improve communication. For example, the committee would like to make the website more mobile-friendly, as graphics on some pages are currently distorted when people view them on their cell phones. A portion of the “Staff” drop-down bar on the homepage also isn’t visible, even on desktop view. The district would also like to have increased capacity to showcase videos.

He said the committee appreciated aspects of the websites of Corinth School District in Mississippi, Tomball Independent School District in Texas and Mason City Schools in Ohio.

The district would upgrade its package with Finalsite, which runs the district’s school website and digital communications software and services. There would be a training cost, which he believes would be based on the amount of training necessary, which is currently unknown, he said. He said the district would like to have two or three people who are capable of adding content to the website and making some edits to the website’s layout. Ideally, the district will have a much better website experience once school starts for the 2023-2024 school year, he said. That’s the time of year that website views peak.

Board Chair Anne Ochs said she’s heard that the community wants more information, photos and videos that showcase Campbell County schools.

Anyone who would like to weigh in on how to improve the website can contact the district office at 307-682-5171 or click the “email us” button at the bottom of the district’s website.
