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Campbell County library board to meet Dec. 15 to review collection policy

GILLETTE, Wyo. — The Campbell County Library Board of Trustees will meet from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 15 to review the Collection Development Policy.

No public comment will be taken at this meeting, the meeting announcement said.

The meeting will take place in the Wyoming Room of the Campbell County Public Library, at 2101 S. 4J Road in Gillette.

Chair Sage Bear said she is hoping to have a proposal by the end of the workshop. The policy is about 100 pages long so it will take some time to review, she said.

The library board approved a revision of the policy in January 2020. Library managers Darcy Acord, Lori Kirchoff, Mandy Quarders, Rebecca Schuh, Anna Street, Nancy Venable, and Krisene Watson and Library Director Terri Lesley completed that revision in 2019.

The board’s next regularly scheduled meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Dec. 19 in the Campbell County Public Library’s Wyoming Room. The board decided at its Nov. 21 meeting to start meetings at 6 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. Meetings will run up to two hours, provided any member of the public has the opportunity to speak for at least 2 minutes, the board decided. The 4 p.m. time conflicted with many people’s work schedules.
