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Powder River Energy Foundation, Basin Electric donate $7,500 for stewardship education

GILLETTE, Wyo. — Powder River Energy Foundation and Basin Electric donated $7,500 to Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom to support student education on Wyoming’s natural resources through the Wyoming Stewardship Project.

Some of PRECorp Foundation’s funding comes from the PRECorp Operation RoundUp® Program, according to a news release Powder River Energy sent. PRECorp members who sign up for Operation RoundUp® have their electric bills rounded up to the next dollar, and those extra cents go to the foundation. Basin Electric doubled Powder River Energy Foundation’s $2,500 grant with its own $5,000 donation, the release said.

Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom, a statewide organization known for its bookmark contest, teaches youths about agriculture, minerals, energy, outdoor recreation and tourism. It also holds workshops for teachers.

“This project is making a difference for our students right now and will have a lasting impact into the future for our state,” Wyoming Agriculture in the Classroom Executive Director Jessie Dafoe said in the release. “The Wyoming Stewardship Project authentically teaches Wyoming’s main economic drivers and is genuinely making a difference for Wyoming students.”

The Foundation gives to charitable organizations in Campbell, Crook, Johnson, Sheridan and Weston counties.
