County Fair adds new competition to celebrate 100th year
As the Campbell County Fair celebrates its 100th anniversary, organizers have introduced a new competition as a nod to the region’s rich agricultural roots and the future of local producers. This year, 4-H and FFA youth will have the opportunity to show their animals in the new Campbell County Born & Raised contest.
“We thought the 100th anniversary was a good opportunity to get back to our grassroots,” Kim Fry, Campbell County 4-H youth development educator, said.
Annually, many youth competing bought their livestock from out-of-county producers and raised them locally. In most cases, the process begins in early spring as they raise and train their beef, sheep, goat, and swine in preparation of the contest at fair in late summer.
By adding this new category, Fry said, not only does it support area ag producers, but it also encourages 4-H and FFA participants to develop their own livestock herds.
“One great long-term result of the program is that they are getting insight into all aspects of the process from birth to market,” Fry said.
The idea for adding the new Born and Raised competition was overwhelming supported the Campbell County Fair Board and the livestock committee who asked that Fry conduct a survey locally to garner interest. Of the small sample who replied, Fry found there was definitely local buy-in for adding it.
Right now, there are just under 80 participants who have signed up to show their livestock in the four categories of beef, goats, swine, and sheep with sheep having the most entries at 29.
This makes sense to Fry who said there are more local sheep producers than other animals.
“The sheep area has really boomed over the years and quite a few of the kids are getting their own herd of sheep,” she said, noting that the competition will likely set a new trend in more youth holding back their animals from slaughter for breeding purposes.
Promoting local breeders who have wonderful quality animals as well kids who are starting to raise their own encapsulates the very essence of what the fair represents from paying homage to our agricultural heritage while helping youth understand where their food comes from.
“It’s good for kids to be reflective of their own animals and quality,” she said.
Along with the new competition for showing local animals, this year’s fair will also include an ultrasound contest for beef.
This year’s Campbell County Fair kicks off today with the fabric and fashion modeling and judging contest at 9 a.m. followed by the Demolition Derby tonight at 7 p.m.
For a full list of fair events and activities, click here.