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COVID-19 Antibody Tests Available at CCH Wellness

COVID Antibody

(H/t CCH)

COVID-19 antibody testing is available at Wellness in the Fourth Street Building at 1405 W. Fourth Street (two blocks west of Campbell County Memorial Hospital) in Gillette.

Antibody tests, also known as serology tests, detect antibodies in the blood. Antibodies indicate that you may have had a viral infection, such as the virus that causes COVID-19. Antibodies are proteins that help fight off infections and can provide protection against getting that disease again (immunity). A blood sample is taken from your arm to perform the test.

Probably the most important thing to know is that an antibody test can’t tell if you currently have COVID-19, and can’t determine if you can spread the virus to other people. And, there just isn’t enough medical evidence yet to tell if people who have developed antibodies to COVID-19 are protected against infection in the future.

Whether you test positive or negative for COVID-19 on a viral or an antibody test, you still should take steps to protect yourself and others by watching your distance (stay at least 6 feet from people not in your household), wearing masks, washing your hands frequently and staying home if you are sick. We do not know how much protection (immunity) antibodies to the virus might provide against getting infected again. Please follow up with your health care provider for any questions you may have.

Testing is available by appointment only every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 6 a.m. – noon; no walk-ins available at this time. Call (307) 688-8051 to schedule. Learn more at cchwyo.org/c19a.

The Wyoming Department of Health provides COVID-19 case, variant, death, testing, hospital and vaccine data online. The department also shares information about how the data can be interpreted. COVID-19 safety recommendations are available from the CDC.


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