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Car Stolen Twice in One Night

(File photo)

A red Ford Explorer that was originally reported stolen in the early Sunday morning hours was recovered later that same day in Crook County.

According to Gillette Police Lt. Brent Wasson, a 35-year-old woman reported that she parked the vehicle outside the market doors at Walmart around 1 a.m. July 28. She said she’d left the keys in the vehicle and estimated she was inside the store for around 20 minutes. She called police when the vehicle was not where she had left it.

Wasson said a short time later, the SUV was located in the 1000 block of Highway 59 parked under a tree with the hazard lights blinking. The keys, which were on a blue lanyard, were not with the vehicle when it was located.

The owner went to retrieve the vehicle around 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning, but once again, it was no longer there.

The vehicle was entered as stolen in the National Crime Information Center database.

Area law enforcement received information that the vehicle was eastbound on Interstate 90. Sundance Police Officer Chris Tomford stopped the vehicle just after 11 a.m.

Candice Shell, 21, was arrested without incident.

Wasson said surveillance video from Walmart shows the vehicle was taken at 12:52 a.m.
