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Ask The Expert: Do Grandparents Have Rights?

Do grandparents have rights in WY?

Grandparents can play a significant and meaningful role in the lives and upbringing of their grandchildren. Steven Titus & Associates, P.C., Family Law Attorney DaNece Day is passionate about protecting that role.

If parents or guardians encourage or at least allow for grandparents to visit their grandchildren, then no formal process is required. But what happens when a grandparent (or other non-parent) is being denied access to a child that would benefit from the emotional and developmental advantages of having a grandparent figure in his or her life? Or, what if the child’s parent(s) are either abusive, substance-addicted, or otherwise unfit to parent? When can a grandparent request visitation or custody?

And, what steps should a grandparent be taking if they have already established themselves as the primary care provider of their grandchild?

Here, Steven Titus and Associates, P.C., expert Family Attorney DaNece Day sits with County 17’s Bailey Knopp to talk about the rights grandparents have:

[ocvid url=”https://vidbeo.com/w/vmwtrkpqs4″]

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